Berlin Zoo

What did you do yesterday? I was at the Zoo!
Zoo's are kinda sad. You know when you see Lion King, King of the Jungle in a 2x2 meters big cage wiggling around in the ultimate boredom!
and then you think. Is there more to life? am I in my cage without even knowing it?
born in captivity the lions and tigers and monkeys have never seen anything other than cages and people giving them food! and still they wiggle around in their limited space, sensing something is wrong, having sad eyes and maybe big dreams. 
sure, sure, I am putting to much thought to it and maybe too much imagination and all this talk is hypocrite anyway - not like I am gonna start fighting for animal rights and against Zoo's, I am way too much of a conformist for that.
And maybe the animals are happy in the Zoo and maybe so are we, with our lives! cheers!
