Silly is the new sarcasm

Silly is the new Sarcasm and sarcasm is the old black.. well, You know how it goes!
What I am trying to say - "silly" is IN now!
And the reasons for that is:
1. It is way more easy to understand. You know, how people do not understand your jokes when they are too advanced. Well most people are able to relate to silliness! (I am not saying ALL, just most.)
2. Silly is way more fun. If sarcasm indicates suppressed issues, aggression and hate for the world, silliness indicates the exact opposite.
3. Silly keeps you happy for longer. You know, how when making a sarcastic remark, you have a quick giggle, probably because you are too cool to have a proper laugh! Well, when you start to be silly, you can laugh more and be happy for longer and maybe others laugh with you and you generate the fun of the world. And by doing that you make the world a better place.
4. Silly is more cute! But maybe it is jut me! ^_^

Don't get me wrong, being silly is still a delicate matter. Not everything stupid you do is gonna be silly. You still have to be smart about it. But you should try to be smart about all the things in the world, including yourself. And socially aware and appropriate, but that is a whole other topic. For now: keep cool and keep silly!
