Happy Easter my little bunnies! Frohe Ostern, kleine Häschen!

Why would a bunny bring you eggs? Bunnies don't even have eggs. I guess if he made friends with chickens of the same farm they hung out. And also would make sense, because little chicken legs are very little, and maybe it is already midsummer till all the eggs would be delivered! Make sure to appreciate bunnies for how brave and strong they are! If you have your own bunny, make sure to pet him and give him milk and all your love!

 That bunnies are also symbols of spring - embracing fertility, making huge amounts of babies every spring. Also this same information source claims, that all good things - Easter Bunny included comes from Germany, and German Lutherans. Thank You Germans, for the bunny and my delicious chocolate!

I am saying no matter if You celebrate Cristian Easter or the post-Internet commercial one - be sure to appreciate your family, the little things, bunnies and spring. Be happy and bright and follow the light!  Happy Easter my little bunnies! Happy days of summer are ahead, just wait and see...
