How to paint your face on, Procrastinate 2.02

Procrastination prime time! How to procrastinate better? Instead of procrastinating as you always do - like checking out 9gag or scrolling down tumblr, or what not your personal routine may be. I suggest you go out of your comfort zone and try something new!

And that is why I am here today, to help you procrastinate and reach new horizons within the clicks of your internet browser. So, today I was procrastinating outside and was browsing through the shopping area, when amazing SALE in H&M forced me to buy, some kind of "Gel eyeliner & eyeshadow duo" magic product. At home it turned out, the gel eyeliner part of this thing seems not to be working (it is just too dry), so as all good things, I thought maybe internet has something to say about it, and maybe I am doing it wrong, or some girl across the world has solved this mystery before me. Anyway, by accident I ended up in the "girl problem" world of the internet! And yes! Girls out there are painting faces on every day! Not only they have the problems of how to look more like Kim Kardashian, but also, how to take Make up of without scaring your new boyfriend.

My questions are:
1. Who are the people who have time to paint there faces on like that?
2. Why on earth people would want to spend so much time applying stuff to their faces on top of other stuff on top of other stuff and then time taking it of?
3. Why do women feel the need to do so?
4. Why am I wasting my time thinking about this and not studying?

No need to thank me! Stop procrastinating and go study! over and out! Cheers my friend!

p.s.not to be hypocritical, I do use make-up myself! Because society forces me and without mascara people ask me if I am sick! No, I mean, I do enjoy some funky colors on my face, but no need to go Bananas about it!

p.s.s. There is a theory that artificial lighting is to blame for women wearing make-up in the first place, back when we switched from candles to electricity! But, that is a research project you have to continue without me...
