not to be superstitious...

but I do tend to give the first days of January more meaning than other days of the year. And yes, bla bla, you can start a new life any day of the year, does not have to be first of January. But why not? That is why they are called "New Years resolutions" and not "Things I should change anyway". I think more meaning to life is given by changing the number of the year you write in the corner of your diary page. Because when the new year comes and you write 2015 instead of 2014, you can take like a second of your time and think that 15 is more than 14 and maybe life is passing by and what am I doing with my life? So stop wasting your time, become the person you want to be. This is the time! Make your resolutions to become a better person and try sticking to them this year! Happy New Year, to you all! And also first day of January I saw a deer crossing the street and a fox on the side of the street and that is more animals that I see any other day of the year. So not to be superstitious, but I wonder what does it mean..

Thank You Danute Anilena, for the wonderful New Year's pictures! As well as Janis, Vita, Ieva, Oskars and Kajs for celebrating into the New 2015 together!
