
I don't know were to begin to explain how I want to be smart and how I try to avoid it happening every minute of my existence. You know, you can always blame the internet for not being able to concentrate on one thing at a time. And yes it is true, procrastination is real and so is boring stuff and I do believe in looking at all the things at once and talking crossover topics and not staying in the line with the conversation. I seek adventures and cats, both online and in life. I have found for myself the time of most things to do, most stress and most responsibilities, to be the time of most creativity and tidiness and imagination. Time of exams or intense homework or anything you are obliged to do. (here using the word "obligatory" in a traditional way, because nothing is obligatory, nothing) Is were you are most tempted to expand your creativity to the limit. Sometimes it is just about looking at pictures of cats, but it can also be about crafting a head peace of Carnival leftovers or DIY painting a t-shirt or making yourself the lamp you always wanted or wood burning a bird house. In between take time to look at world in general, watch the news and then think of the infinite universe. 
My tip of the day, if you are an addicted procrastinator - Procrasticraft! 
Homework is temporary imagination is forever! 


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