Tall and proud! To y'all with any height at all!

This time it is about decisions. There are some things you choose in life and some you don't . Take for example a persons height! Unless you live in a country were they stretch your neck with metal rings, you probably didn't choose your shortness or tallness or your avarege heightness. I mean, I am of reasonable age now and comments on my height don't bother me any more. In my not so long life I have gotten a tonn of
"How tall are you?",
"Wow, you are really tall!",
"Do you play basketball?",
"How tall are you really?",
"but I am still taller than you, right?"
No, you are probably not and that is fine. I honestly had forgoten about this, because there are real problems out there, but today I got reminded with a comment on facebook on my girlfriend, and the comment said, "You are very beautifull, but very tall". And the teenager me inside gets upset, because people should be more okey with who they are. Coments like these come from a place called "insecurities".
Like this page ----> how to look not so tall!  WHY NOT? How about I just wear what I want and look tall. What about that?
So the thing is, there are some things you choose, like being not-ignorant and things you do not choose, like your height. So remember, make good decisions, like be a cool person inside and do not care too much for how you or others look, because inside matters more. Cheers!
