Christmas time magic, be in the moment

How to take the best of holidays?

I have been blessed with very inspiring and smart friends. Just before Christmas I had a great talk with Danute, were she was telling me of a theory of how to be in the moment, how every judgment of your life is better if you analyze it from the perspective of now. If you are free of culturally added pre-programmed ways to react to situations.(I bet Danute could explain this better)

 I tend to get caught up in planning and thinking ahead and working on what the next step is, sometimes I forget to be where I am and to enjoy the things that are happening. I like being inspired from my friends. I concentrated really hard to put these wise words in action. I have always thought that living in the moment is kind of stupid, oh, well, you know all those inspirational quotes, that don't really mean anything. Meh. But this time something clicked. What Danute told me came with perfect timming. I could take it and make it my own. Appreciate. Look around. Be happy about the little things. Cheers! The world is your oyster.

I hope you all had the bestest of Christmas'es because I did for sure!

Happy 2016, enjoy everything!
