
I was watching The Walking Dead (S4Ep15) where all you have to do is say "Claimed!" and the thing is yours, like you say "Shotgun" to sit in the front seat of the car. Anyway, today I thought I want to call "Claimed!" on the slogan "Rise in the light of feminine power" not that it is a great slogan, but if it ever would to become one, you heard it from me first!

On more important issues! Feminism! I want to point your attention to the very important fact that Spotify has a great playlist called Feminist Friday, with all your favourite female power women. And I was listening to it this morning going to the library and I was inspired. Thinking about how could I inspire others today.

This could be the day to change something in your life or do something new:

💗This could be the day you compliment another women on her success
💗This could be the day you become a feminist, (feminism is also for men)
💗This could also be the day you decide to love yourself more
💗This could be your day to end an abusive friendship

 Whatever you do, have a great day! Kisses and hugs! Over and out! And follow this beautiful inspirational body positive blog or on instagram
